πŸ’¦The Festival of Water πŸ’¦

Today marks the first day of Songkran in Thailand. April 13th is the first day of the Thai new year. It is also a three day nation wide water gun fight! πŸ’¦πŸ”«πŸ’¦ Last year I visited Thailand after years of dreaming of this magical place. I had heard of this Festival of Water before and ever since it has been on my bucket list. I always enjoyed our “Water Relay” on field day back in elementary school. Spilling water all over yourself on a blisteringly hot summer day was the best day of the year. This festival is like that x1000. Like the ultimate adult version of the Water Relay!

Thailand is hot, being in monsoon territory with rainforests throughout. I started my first day of Songkran in Bangkok. Shortly after leaving the front doors of my hostel, I was surprised with a refreshing deluge of water from a plastic bag with a hole in it. The woman holding it bearing the most beautiful “Hehe I got you” smile on her face. I walked with a few cool people I met in the hostel to Silom, a “happening” street in Bangkok. The closer we got to the district, the more water guns, waterproof bags, and clear plastic hats people sold on the side of the streets. Of course I needed a translucent blue hat to get in the spirit (I found out the hat makes a great water shield). There are even lots of people selling water to refill your water guns. Oh, and if you want to pay double, you can get icey cold water to fill up your gun. Which gives a satisfying disgruntled moan when you spray someone’s exposed skin *insert evil smiley face here*. When we got to the center of the action there were thousands of people walking the streets with saggy clothes, soaked from head to toe.

Smiles from all ages. That was the most beautiful part about it all. The smiles. I found myself laughing and smiling a majority of the time during the water wars. Sometimes you’ll get hit with an entire bucket of ice water, which are the most exhilerating moments. The one holding the empty bucket having the most lovable grin.

During the middle day of the festival I travel to Chiang Mai. Farther north and surrounded by rainforest, this city quickly became one of my most favorite places in the world. Nature seems to almost permeate the city. Coexisting with it. Beautiful wats (Thai Buddhist temples) sprinkled throughout. The old city is contained within a perfect square moat. Most of the people filling up their water guns there. I rode with a few friends on some mopeds they rented (Which looking back wasn’t a good idea when looking at the amount of fatalities on mopeds during this festival). People are constantly spraying and splashing you in the face. Whether you’re the driver or not, however, it’s all in good fun. There are many booths along the street you can partake in. You may even happen across a mini EDM water rave!

Watch Thailand video here! https://vimeo.com/221963815

I made a video of my time in Thailand. “The Land of Smiles”. It truly is an amazing place. Given the opportunity I would probably live in Chiang Mai. If you’re into nature, rich culture, and smiling faces I would reccomend visiting Thailand. Try going during Songkran too (April 13-15). I promise you won’t regret it πŸ™‚ I’m not sure if I’ve ever had that much pure childlike enjoyment since my Water Relay days.

Have you experienced a festival that left an impression on you like this? Please let me know in the comments! I would love to lengthen my bucket list πŸ™‚

Hi, I’m MarcusπŸ‘‹

I am a dreamer, an artist. One in seven billion trying to express himself to keep my insanity at bay. Or maybe to accept my insanity and try to use it for the good of others. So we can relate. So we can know we’re not alone. So we can find similarities and differences in each other and be grateful for both. This is me trying to figure out who I really am, and who I’m meant to become. I hope you join me. ☺